Application of Through Vial Impedance Spectroscopy for Lyophilization Process Development. Poster Presentation at Freeze Drying of Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals,18-21st September 2018, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany
Pandya et al. (2018). Poster Presentation at Freeze Drying of Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals,18-21st September 2018, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany
To demonstrate the impact of vial location on the drying rate using two parameters of non-product invasive through vial impedance spectroscopy (TVIS). These include: (i) the peak imaginary amplitude, C"PEAK, which is a direct measure of ice mass in the vial, and (ii) the peak frequency, FPEAK, which is sensitive to a change in the shape of the ice interface.