Communication 5: The new barriers to developing a fairer society: Are Food Banks contributing to the vicious circle that is widening the poverty gaps in our cities and communities
This paper looks at some of the unintended consequences of food banks and the potential barriers they are now creating to developing a fairer society. It considers how food banks have become part of a vicious circle that is contributing to plugging the gaps of widening poverty within our cities and communities.
It is recommended that more training, education, and awareness
needs to be carried out to help change the discussion and increase the dialogue
and debates related to both causes and solutions of food surplus and waste. There
are several criteria which the government should put in place which includes, improve
the access to short term benefits in advance, enhance the decision making and
the linkages between local health and financial. Improve access to hardship
payments and other allowances. Introduce legislative recognition of ‘social
rights’ and the need for further stimulation to local economic development to
help reduce worklessness, and the need to bust educational attainment.