This dataset contains gesture-shape ratings that were averaged across the so-called triplet contexts. These ratings were used in the analyses of variance (ANOVA) reported in the article.
Data for pitch and loudness gestures are in separate CSV files.
Each CSV file is formatted in "long format", that is, each row corresponds to one observation (dependent variable) for a specific stimulus condition (combination of independent variables) and one participant. The table columns contain the following information, from left to right:
DV, dependent variable: Gesture-shape rating for either pitch or loudness
acousFct: Acoustical/physical function or scale underlying the pitch or loudness variation
orient: Orientation of gesture, either increasing or decreasing over time
durat: Duration, either short or long
level: Investigated level range, lower vs. higher for pitch, softer vs. louder for loudness
pa: Participant identification number (arbitrary assignment)