De Montfort University

Children stories in times of Corona

posted on 2020-05-13, 13:46 authored by Indrani LahiriIndrani Lahiri

In response to the need for positive action during the Covid-19 Pandemic we have successfully launched a virtual ‘Children’s Stories’ platform for parents to enable their children to express themselves mainly through drawings and writing their stories. It has been very well received particularly by care homes, frontline Doctors working in the NHS who have gone on to express, to the administrators of the online platform, the power of this platform allowing them a ‘breathing space’ after returning home from the most difficult work situations they have experienced in their careers/life, by being able to spend time with their children allowing them to destress a little and taking away the horror of the internal turmoil and fatigue that inevitably shows on their faces. Children taking part have shown so much enthusiasm and kindness towards key workers, nature and simple things in life in their submissions making this initiative a great success. In a short space of four weeks we have over 800 followers and ‘likes’ on our Facebook page posts and continue to receive excellent creations from children. We are developing short digital stories in times of Corona with all the excellent art works that will stay forever in our digital memory box to remind us of the time and how we coped through creative expressions. These little creations are bringing happiness to the families and children. Reflecting back on the experience, we aim to develop a model of digital emotional resilience.
