De Montfort University

Presentation of "A Multi-Agent System for Modelling the Spread of Lethal Wilt in Oil-Palm Plantations" at IEEE WCCI 2020

posted on 2020-09-24, 13:06 authored by Conor FahyConor Fahy, Fabio CaraffiniFabio Caraffini, Mario GongoraMario Gongora
This research item contains the video of the presentation of the paper:

C. Fahy, F. Caraffini and M. Gongora, "A Multi-Agent System for Modelling the Spread of Lethal Wilt in Oil-Palm Plantations," 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2020, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/CEC48606.2020.9185742.

and the PDF of the slide presentation. Links to the published manuscript and related material are listed below.


DMU VC2020
