D1.2 SIS scenarios
This deliverable considers the ethical, legal (data protection), social and economic impacts of new and emerging technologies, powered by artificial
intelligence (AI) and big data, which we call smart information systems (SIS). In this deliverable, we look forward to the year 2025 to consider how new and
emerging technologies may raise various issues, regarding which policymakers and other stakeholders should consider what ethical guidelines, data
protection policies and other measures we might need to address the issues now rather than five or six years from now when they may have fewer policy
options. We have developed five scenarios, addressing five different technology clusters in five different areas – social care for senior citizens,
information warfare, predictive policing, driverless cars and learning buddy robots. We engaged stakeholders in the development of these scenarios.
Stakeholder engagement was an important purpose of the scenario construction process. In short, the scenarios are a way of exploring with
stakeholders the issues raised by these advanced new technologies and developing recommendations for policymakers for dealing with those issues.
This deliverable comprises this executive summary, an introduction, the five scenarios, and conclusions and recommendations.