Migrant Schooling crisis posters
Centre for Urban Research on Austerity (CURA) Interdisciplinary Research Partnerships Fund Proposal
The ‘migrant children schooling crisis’: examining the intersection between
media framing, neoliberalism and schooling (Leicestershire)
The pilot project aims to address tensions identified with the ‘migrant children
schooling crisis’ as it is portrayed in the media and the challenges this brings to local
authorities and schools who have to place and educate ‘migrant children’. This is an
intersectional study between the media framing of neoliberalism, framing of tensions
within the education sector and the reality of how local authorities and schools deal
with those tensions.
The project investigates this by undertaking a frame analysis of newspapers
(2015-2018), interviewing local authority advisors, Executive Head of MATS, Chair of
Governors, school Teachers and Head Teachers and is based in Leicestershire.
The project aligns with CURA’s strategic focus on developing interdisciplinary,
cross-faculty research partnerships involving education, media and politics. The
project has the potential to expand the reach by engaging with psychology looking at
building resilience within schools, depending on the findings from this pilot study.
The study is aimed at reducing inequalities in society (UNSDG 10) by devising
strategies and tools to survive in the age of austerity.
The project examines neoliberal policies and practices embraced in the process of
economic and social changes in the UK over the last three years (2010-2018) and
the impact on the country’s education system, particularly on the compulsory
education of transnational migrant children who relocate from Europe and rest of the
world to the UK with their parents. The challenges within the school system are
significant given how the education system is entrenched within a neoliberalism
political agenda and framing of ‘migrant children’ within a broader discourse of
immigrant and Brexit. The ‘common-sense’ (Freire, 1970a; Harvey, 2005) narrative
fed by the conceptual apparatus (state and its agencies) although is constructed and
shaped by the neoliberal policies, in reality, that does not necessarily always help
overcome the cognitive barriers both in relation to practice and reception within the
classroom. Evidence (Spencer, 2011) suggests media plays an active role in
shaping and reshaping this debate in the public sphere, with hostile articles on
‘migrant children swamping UK schools’ but not accepting diversity as a pillar for
development. On the other hand, schools are expected to play a vital role in
developing community cohesion. The polarised and politicised media framing,
therefore, inhibits certain stereotypes that in the long-run may have a detrimental
impact on, not only, teaching and learning within schools, but on enforcing
community cohesion.
The project further benefits from the interdisciplinary collaboration with health and
mental health research here at DMU