Smith G (2023) Electrical impedance PAT for biotherapeutic freeze-drying. Marcus Evans 14th Biologics Formulation, Development And Drug Delivery Sept 14-15th
Podium presentation at Marcus Evans 14th Biologics Formulation, Development And Drug Delivery Series Sept 14-15th 2023, London
Cite as: Smith, G. (2023) Electrical impedance PAT for biotherapeutic freeze-drying. Podium presentation at Marcus Evans 14th Biologics Formulation, Development And Drug Delivery Series, London UK. 14-15 Sept 2023
The talk introduces the technology known as through-vial impedance spectroscopy (TVIS) and its use in the investigation of the freeze-drying of pharmaceutical drug products. The facets of the lyophilization process described in the talk are:
The ice nucleation temperature and ice solidification time
The prediction of the ice mass temperature during the primary drying stage